West Devon Borough Council wants to hear your thoughts in a consultation about West Devon’s Public Space Protection Orders for dog control.

A Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) deals with potential anti-social behaviour in an area which could have a harmful effect on the quality of life for those in the local community. It can ban certain things, or need specific things to be done, in this case the control of dogs in public areas.

The council know that most dog owners properly control their dogs and abide by the rules.  However, they want to encourage every dog owner throughout West Devon to be responsible and these PSPOs help with that.

The current orders run out in March next year, so they need to be consulted upon now and then agreed ready for the next three year period.

The current review affects all existing PSPOs within the borough, such as when it is currently necessary for owners to keep dogs on leads in certain areas. In some places dogs are excluded, for instance in children’s play areas, bowling greens or tennis courts.

The consultation runs until November 14 2023.  Officers can issue fixed penalty notices up to £100.00 for those who don’t follow the orders.

West Devon Borough Council’s lead member for natural environment, Cllr Lynn Daniel, said: “It’s so important that residents help by giving their views on the existing PSPOs within the borough.  We already have so many sensible dog owners in West Devon who have total control of their dogs and we want this to increase.

“What do you think about what we currently do to control dogs? Do you agree or disagree? Please let us know, there is nothing worse than going for a walk and seeing dog mess or a dog running around out of control. They aren’t many but it does happen sometimes where you don’t want it to.

“Please use our survey and also our new online map too so we can analyse the results and send resources to where any issues are.

“The consultation ends on Tuesday, November 14, so let us know your thoughts before it closes.”

If you would like to share your thoughts about the proposals, share your views on our website at wdbc-dogcontrol.commonplace.is

Or by post to:                  

Environmental Protection Team

West Devon Borough Council

Kilworthy Park

Drake Road