A TEENAGE girl who only took up running during the coronavirus pandemic has been honoured for running for causes dear to her heart.

Jennifer Mears, 17 and from Chagford, was one of three young people honoured in the under-18s category of the West Devon Mayoral Awards.

She is currently training for the London Marathon, which she will undertake on April 23, the week of her 18th birthday, for Children’s Hospice South West

Jennifer was nominated by a member of her running club, Chagford Runners, Rachel Short, who was impressed by her dedication.

‘I am quite surprised actually, and quite proud as well,’ said Jennifer. ‘Obviously, out of the whole of West Devon a lot of people could have been nominated so it was a real privilege to be chosen. I have been involved in quite a few charity runs. I only actually picked up running in lockdown and I joined Chagford Runners, they are a really amazing, supportive group and I did a few runs to raise money for Children’s Hospice South West. My first was with my neighbour Brian Lambert who is 80 and an experienced fell runner and I helped him organise it. I did a Just Giving page, and reccee'd it with him. It was 13 miles and that was for Children’s Hospice South West.’

She has also undertaken a marathon distance in laps up Meldon Hill for the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, part of Chagford’s Run 4 Rosie charity run in memory of well-known Chagford figure Rosie Webber, who sadly died of lung cancer. Jennifer is running the London Marathon for the Devon Air Ambulance Trust, after recent callouts near Chagford. Sponsor Jennifer on Just Giving under ‘Jennifer’s London Marathon 2023’.