NORTH Tawton Bowling Club has outlined exciting plans for the future, as the beginning of the new season steadily approaches.

Plans have been approved for the club to build a new clubhouse overlooking the bowling green.

The design includes space for skittles and short mat bowling, providing an all year activity for the club and North Tawton residents.

The secure environment would allow for hire to other groups, such as Brownies, Scouts, pilates classes and other community groups.

There will also be disabled access to ensure the activities at the clubhouse are inclusive for all.

On-site car parking will avoid on-street parking issues.

A bar licence is now in place, enhancing the experience for visiting clubs and North Tawton members alike.

Club chairman Mike Thwaites said: 'Now we are beginning with the real hard part of this project – fundraising.

'Grants are being sought from many sources and we hope that North Tawton Town Council and West Devon Borough Council will also look kindly upon us.

'We feel very strongly that there is no facility in North Tawton for the continued fitness of the older generation except us bowlers.

'There is no tennis, golf or gym in North Tawton.

'We also feel that with the new clubhouse, we will attract younger members as it has been shown that more and more younger players are taking up the sport of bowls.

'It is, after all, an enjoyable and sociable game to be enjoyed by all.

MIke said hopefully another successful season would be enjoyed under the guidance of president Margaret Arscott and captains Lloyd Reynolds and Iris Gill.

'In the meantime we are working hard to obtain funds, but we are aware this may take many months of more to achieve.

'We have a goal in sight and we intend to reach it — for the good of bowling, but most of all for the good of North Tawton,' he said.

The club season starts on April 12 at 2pm, and newcomers of all abilities are welcome.

For more information visit the club's website at