THE annual steak pie lunch, held in aid of parish church funds, was a great success. It took place in the Victory Hall on Sunday and approximately 80 people enjoyed hearty helpings of pies and vegetables, followed by a variety of puddings.

The Rev Ruth Hansford began proceedings by saying 'Grace'. It was good to see many old friends who came for the occasion.

Thanks were expressed to all who supported the event, the cooks and servers, Den for dealing with the dishwasher, all the clearer-uppers, and those who donated items for the lunch, draw prizes, etc.

CELEBRANT and preacher at parish communion was the Rev Sylvia Coke-Woods. The organist, who played preludes on Lenten hymns by modern composers, was D Chivers. The choir sang 'The Feast we keep in solemn course once more' during the taking of communion. Mrs T Haycocks read the lesson and Mrs B Dibben was the sidesman.

THERE will be bingo in the Victory Hall on Friday, March 22. Doors open at 7.30pm.

Eyes down at 8pm. This will be in aid of Devon Air Ambulance.

ON March 23 there will be a fundraiser for the Victory Hall. Bowls of winter warmer soup followed by a selection of puddings.

There will also be a bar and raffle. Please book to ensure a place. Adults £5, children (eleven and under) £3. Phone Jayne on 01409 221225.