The Bere Ferrers 75th Spring Flower Show proved to be yet another success, despite worries about it being a bad year for daffodils, writes Ann Parsons.

Entries were nearly 500 and were of good quality, which chairman Dr Frances Howard said had come as a surprise. This year had been one of the rare occasions since 1958 that conditions had resulted in a lot of ‘blind’ daffodils, with no flowers. Her advice was to fertilise them this year and hopefully they would bloom next year.

Competition in the domestic section was hot, with mouthwatering entries including jams and chutneys and cakes and quiche. The decorative section included classes for arrangements in a recycled container and a ‘250th anniversary of Jane Austen’s birth’ arrangement.

Photography and garden produce classes were popular and there was a wide variety of flowers other than daffodils.

Trophies were presented by Jane Morton, who teaches forest craft and gardening at the local primary school.

The trophy winners were as follows: Page Challenge Cup, most points in show, F Howard; Bradford Challenge Bowl, most points in show, runner up, H Hicks; Ivor Paull Plate, most points, trumpet daffodils, L Winn; Gazette Challenge Cup, most points, large cup daffodils, A Coombes; Bennett Memorial Cup, most points, double daffoils, W Hicks; Bere Ferrers Social Club Bowl, most points, other daffodils, F Howard; Crocker Williams Cup, most points, other flowers, W Hicks; Frampton Cup, most points, garden produce section, R White; Doris Friend Memorial Bow, most points, decorative section, N Burrows; HMS Plate, decorative section runner up, M Crout; Reg Collom Memorial Cup, most points, decorative section; Domestic Challenge Cup, runner up, domestic section, M Willmoss & J Le Vasseur; Joe Pengelly Cup, most points, photographic section, J Maslen; Barbara Grinsted Memorial Plate, best trumped daffodil, L Winn; Fyffres Munro Cup, best large cup daffodil, L Winn; Somers Gibson Cup, best small cup daffodil, C Street; Coronation Cup, best double daffodil, A Coombes; Alan & Lucy Langsford Trophy, best in ‘other daffodils’, D Carver; Bere Ferrers Challenge Cup, best exhibit, daffodil collection class, M Bersey; Elsie Hall Plate, best exhibit, other flowers’ W Hicks; Marjorie Statton Rose Bowl, best pot plant in show, W Hicks; Agnes Jury Cup, best exhibit, decorative section, V Barden; Shirley Wakefield-Smith Memorial Cup, best camellia, P Gallagher; Rumleigh House Cup, most points, novice classes, T Kent; RHS Banksian Medal, most points, horticultural section, F Howard; Daffodil Society Medal, F Howard.

Serving teas  were Margaret Willmott, Phil Gallagher, Ruth Charlton and Joan Haycock
Serving teas were Margaret Willmott, Phil Gallagher, Ruth Charlton and Joan Haycock (Ann Parsons)
Daffodils come in all shapes and sizes, including miniature varieties such as Dormouse
Daffodils come in all shapes and sizes, including miniature varieties such as Dormouse (Ann Parsons)
Pat Moss points our her prizewinning photo
Pat Moss points out her prizewinning photo (Ann Parsons)
Show committee member Robert Coombs admires his wife Alison's daffodils
Show committee member Robert Coombs admires his wife Alison's daffodils (Ann Parsons)
Visitors admire the wide variety of daffodils on display
Visitors admire the wide variety of daffodils on display (Ann Parsons)
Roger White won the prize for the best wonky veg
Roger White won the prize for the best wonky veg (Ann Parsons)