“THANKSGIVING for the Harvest” was the title of the Harvest Sunday service held at Exeter Cathedral on Sunday, October 29.
The service was hosted by the Chairman of Devon Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs, Miss Vicki Gilbert and the Chairman of Devon National Farmers’ Union, Mr Paul Glanville.

The Officiant was The Very Rev Jonathan Greener, the Dean of Exeter Cathedral and the Preacher was The Rev Canon Chris Palmer, the Canon Treasurer, both extending a warm welcome to all.
Harvest, creation and giving thanks were the themes of the address given by Rev Canon Palmer.

In addition, Canon Palmer thanked the YFC Groups from across the county for decorating the pillars with harvest produce and flowers for the occasion.
These were judged and the best was the pillar decorated by Exe Valley YFC.

There was a full congregation for the service which included favourite harvest hymns “Come, ye thankful people, come, raise the song of harvest-home”, “Praise, O praise our God and King, hymns of adoration sing”, “We plough the fields and scatter” and “All creatures of our God and King”.
A quartet from the choir sang “For the Beauty of the earth” and the organist was the Cathedral Organist, Timothy Noon.
Miss Vicki Gilbert read “The Procession of Offerings” with representatives from each YFC Group of Clubs in Devon presenting the offerings.

Cereals were presented by North Devon YFC and Exe Valley YFC Groups, Roots and Vegetables by the South Dartmoor YFC and Tarka YFC Groups, Fruit from the East Devon YFC Group and Milk and Produce from Haldon YFC Group.
Paul Glanville gave the reading from Deuteronomy 8: 7-18 and David Chugg gave the reading from Luke 17:11-19.
The Prayers of Penitence were read by Mrs Katie Northmore-Land, Junior Vice-Chairman, Devon YFC and the Prayers of Intercession were led by Dan Grist, Vice-Chairman, Devon YFC.
The Dean said The Absolution, The Collect and Gave the Blessing.
He led a prayer for those affected by war and conflict and for all God’s children.
He also told the congregation that the Cathedral was for every day of the year, not just for harvest.
There were many honoured guests from the YFC, NFU and farming community and the Deputy Lord Mayor of Exeter, Cllr Tess Read, also attended.
Refreshments were served afterwards.
The collection was for the maintenance of the Cathedral and its worship, and for the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Fund (RABI).