The latest meeting as held on Tuesday, October 11 in Exbourne Village Hall.

The president welcomed everyone and Jerusalem was sung. The speaker was Rupert Kirkwood who gave a very fascinating and infomative show on ‘Photographing Wildlife from a Kayak’.

Being at sea level allows him to film many sea creatures close up. He was thanked by Gillian Townsend Green. After tea, the business was dealt with. Gillian Townsend Green has agreed to act as Vice President.

Members could sign up for a Birdwatching Trip on the River Exe, an Elizabeths of York Exhibition in Great Torrington Church on November 9, and a Walk at Meeth on October 28.

Arrangements were made for the Soup and Puds Lunch to be held in the village hall on Saturday, October 15. Anne Leaman gave a report of a walk around Tavistock, which members had attended.

The winner of the FOM (Flower of the Month0 was Ethel Nancekivell and the winner of the competition for an item from the seashore was Vera Collins.

The next meeting will be held in the village hall on Tuesday, November 8 when Sue Leach will be demonstrating ‘Making Christmas Decorations’.