Fifteen-year-old Abbie Craigen from Okehampton had her hair cut for the first time in her life last week to support the Little Princess Trust.

A real-life Rapunzel (minus the tower), Abbie has donated 22 inches of her hair to the charity, which provides children who are losing their hair to cancer with free wigs, and wishes to inspire others to do the same.

Abbie’s mum Kimberleigh, said: “It’s a tradition in our family that the girls don’t have their hair cut until 16 but she persuaded me to have it cut early.

“That’s what she wanted to do so I cut her hair. She’s had about half of her hair cut off, it’s still long but it’s short to her.

“She just hopes she will inspire others to do the same thing.”

Abbie also hopes that her little sister will follow the family tradition and wait until she turns 16 before getting her hair cut - a tradition that is at least five generations old.

The Little Princess Trust was established in 2005 after the founders’ daughter was devastated when she lost her hair to cancer.

When she received a wig to replace her lost hair, her parents noticed the hugely positive effect it had on her mental health and decided to help other children and young people going through a similar experience.

The charity now provide young people up to the age of 24 with free real hair wigs and has now provided over 15,000 wigs to children and young people with hair loss.

The charity has also invested childhood cancer research.