Great Western Railway (GWR) has provided further details on the reasoning behind the name of Okehampton's second station following last week's announcement.

A spokesperson for GWR said: "The name of the new Okehampton station was decided by all project partners and announced on 13 May. No previous decision or announcement about the name has been made.  

"Okehampton Interchange is the official name the station has been given to reflect that the site will not only provide plenty of parking opportunities but also offers improved bus links, and better access for pedestrians and cyclists."

The announcement of the new station's name has caused some upset in the community. It has been known informally within the community as Okehampton Parkway, and Okehampton Town Council has twice resolved to support the name.

At the latest full council meeting, town councillors expressed disappointment that council and OkeRail railway forum representatives were not invited to the meeting where the station name was discussed.