CAMPAIGNERS have been protesting the proposed closure of Okehampton Hospital’s 16 in-patient beds in recent days — ahead of public meetings over the next week that will give townsfolk the chance to comment.

Residents of Okehampton turned up outside Devon County Council’s County Hall in Exeter on November 3 to campaign at the location of the Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (NEW Devon CCG) governing body meeting.

The protesters were at County Hall again on November 8; the town mayor Cllr Jan Goffey and county councillor for Okehampton Rural Kevin Ball spoke at Devon County Council’s health and wellbeing scrutiny meeting, objecting to NEW Devon CCG’s proposal to cut half of the community hospital in-patient beds across its eastern locality, including all 16 beds in Okehampton Hospital.

The CCG is considering a series of options, including four shortlisted choices. Okehampton Hospital would lose its in-patient beds in all four shortlisted options, but in the expanded list of choices, it is included in three of the long-listed options; options 5 to retain beds at Tiverton, Seaton and Okehampton, option 10 to retain beds at Tiverton, Exmouth and Okehampton and option 15, to retain beds at Tiverton, Sidmouth and Okehampton.

These options were only added after public backlash, including the launch of the ‘Save our Beds’ campaign by Okehampton residents.

The NEW Devon CCG is holding its public consultation meetings in Okehampton on November 16, in the Charter Hall from 2pm to 4.30pm and 5pm to 7.30pm.

Everyone who wishes to attend the public meeting can register by telephoning 01392 356084 or emailing d-ccg.Your [email protected].

Full papers and information about the public consultation involving the hospital and governing body meeting are available on the CCG website at

As well as the meetings organised by the CCG on November 16, Okehampton Town Council has organised a public meeting for tomorrow (Friday, November 11) at the Charter Hall from 7.30pm.

Councillors will speak on issues surrounding the proposed bed closures, invited guests will have the chance to respond according to their specialist knowledge and then the floor will be open to pre-submitted questions from members of the public.

West Devon Borough Councillor Mike Davies, who set up the ’Save Our Beds’ Facebook group, online petition, and attended the protest outside County Hall on November 3 said: ’We made our point. We now need as many as possible to attend the meeting organised by Okehampton Town Council on the evening of November 11 in the Charter Hall and also to attend the main NHS ‘Your Future Care’ meetings at Charter Hall on November 16.

’We need to keep fighting. Holsworthy saved their hospital due to the large number of protestors. Oke-hampton can do the same.’

A petition to Parliament to save the 16 beds has now reached over 1,750 signatures. To sign the petition online visit https://petition.

l?What are your thoughts on the possible loss of hospital beds? What sort of long-lasting effects could it have?

?Send us a letter at [email protected]