North Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team (NDSART) received a £4,000 cheque following the charity fundraiser, Nomansland Beer Festival.

The second-ever Nomansland Beer Festival attracted over 500 visitors and raised £12,000, with the NDSART and the Tiverton branch of Action Medical Research each receiving £4,000 of the funds raised. The Witheridge Rest A While Centre also received £1,000, and the remaining funds have been reserved to establish a Community Fund that can provide small amounts of responsive funding locally as needs arise. In addition to this, the event also generated funds for Nomansland Cricket Club.

A spokesperson for the NDSART, said: "We are thrilled to once again be one of the receivers of donations from this wonderful festival. Those involved do so much for the community and give back to local charities and good causes. We cannot thank the festival enough for the past two years of donations: the Nomansland Festival organisers and committee, the sponsors and the visitors who made this wonderful event happen. Thank you from all of us within the Team for raising awareness for Mountain Rescue, for the generous donations and for hosting this special festival."

Stuart Cole, from the Nomansland Festivals Committee, said: "We are delighted to have raised so much for charities and good causes. We are humbled by the support that we received in establishing and delivering this fun event this year."

Last year, Nomansland Beer Festival raised £5,500 for local charities and good causes.

The committee plans to rerun the event in May next year.