A petition to install street lighting along a hazardous section of road in North Tawton was launched this month in order to improve pedestrian safety.

Melanie Bickell, the town clerk of North Tawton, has set up the petition requesting Devon County Council and West Devon Borough Council install street lighting from the roundabout on High Street to Cottles View. This area has a narrow pavement and currently lacks streetlights due to a tree preservation order.

Though there have been no accidents along the stretch of road, residents have previously complained to the town council that the narrow pavement forces pedestrians to walk closer to the road, putting them in significant danger, particularly at night.

After the local authorities refused to install street lighting, Mrs Bickell started the petition following a suggestion from council staff as the best way to prompt action by the councils.

She wrote: "The required installation of street lights...will significantly improve vision and safety, especially for school children and pedestrians. An urban environment should not have regions that are detrimental to the safety of its residents." 

Mrs. Bickell aims to acquire at least 500 signatures. Over 100 individuals have already signed the petition.

In a 2017 report, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents revealed that 40% of accidents happen at night. Recent data from the Office of National Statistics indicates an increase in accidents caused by impaired visibility since 2020, although the numbers remain lower than the 2014 peak.

To sign the petition, visit: https://chng.it/kZKrgQMvcj