WHILST I will not become drawn into a debate as to whether the postmen and women should strike or not and what damage it could or not do to businesses, people receiving benefit payment or who have to pay bills I would like to make one comment.
I personally cannot remember a time when the post has not been delivered, other than rare industrial action, be it snow, sleet, hail, rain, freezing weather, no matter what condition my post has been here, perhaps late, perhaps damp, but it has arrived.
I would not venture out at all hours in the cold and dark, risk dogs in gardens, awkward letter box after awkward letter box, up and down stairs moaning recipients and more, for what they are paid.
Let us also remember the police, ambulance, nurses, doctors, fire brigade, air ambulance, RNLI and so many more who work in weather and at times you and I would not.
Jeremy Rundle
Plymouth Road