Okehampton Make Lunch Club was fully booked this Easter holiday as it celebrated its first birthday on April 12 in the lower hall of Okehampton Baptist Church.

Set up to support low income families whose children qualify for free school meals, the anniversary was especially noteworthy as it was also the first time since the Okehampton Make Lunch Club opened in April 2022 that the holiday club was fully booked.

Jo Morgan, the Okehampton Make Lunch Club co-ordinator, said: “A few families couldn’t come at the last minute but it didn’t lessen the fun had by all. It’s unique in the way the whole family can attend.

“The six families who came got stuck into pizza making, cutting up fruit and each child took a take away activity to do at home.

“We also play games and always have craft activities.”

Since opening last year, Okehampton Make Lunch Club has provided over 100 meals to low income families and, with the ongoing cost of living crisis, has recently been able to support four families with essential household items or food vouchers thanks to grant funding.

The lunch club is open every Wednesday during the school holidays from 11am to 1:30pm and provides with organised activities and a hot healthy meal for children and their parents or carers. The club was mainly set up for children and their families, who are in receipt of benefit-related free school meals to help those on lower incomes who may otherwise struggle to afford healthy meals for their children during the school holidays. However, the club also welcomes any family who finds buying extra food in the holidays a struggle.

Organisers emphasise that booking in advance is essential and the next session will take place during the May half-term on May 31.

For more information or to book a place contact [email protected].