CAMPAIGNERS against parking meters are claiming a cautious victory after Devon County Council suspended its proposals to bring the machines to Okehampton and nine other Devon towns.
Following a meeting in Okehampton last Thursday, Devon County Council cabinet member for highways Cllr Stuart Hughes told a meeting in Kingsbridge the proposals had been put on hold.
The announcement came just days ahead of the meeting at which the council's cabinet was expected to pass the proposals.
At the Okehampton meeting, town councillors, business owners and residents sent a clear message of opposition to Cllr Hughes and the county council's head of highways management Lester Wimington, issuing the plea: 'Don't bring Okehampton to its knees.'
Local business owners were dismayed to hear Mr Wilmington admit: 'The meters may have an initial negative impact on trade.'
The county council was criticised for a lack of proper consultation or detailed research, while local residents voiced concern that pay and display meters would make residential parking issues worse.
Cllr Michael Ireland said: 'We must look at the wider issues of traffic management in the town.
'We need to look at systems like Park and Ride or greater use of the railway in order to truly alleviate the traffic issues in Okehampton.'
At the meeting, Cllr Hughes promised: 'I will work with the people and councillors of Okehampton to resolve the traffic issues in the town. I am a very good listener.'
Following the Kingsbridge announcement, town councillor Kay Bickley, who led Okehampton's campaign against the parking meters, said she was cautiously optimistic.
'Clearly, we're all very pleased that these proposals have been shelved for the time being. Councillor Hughes and Mr Wilmington clearly did what they said they would do: they came, and they listened.
'However, the proof of the pudding will now be in the eating — we need Cllr Hughes to follow through on his words and conduct a genuine consultation with residents, businesses and councillors in Okehampton.
'If he genuinely wants to help us solve Okehampton's traffic issues, we look forward to working with him.'
Ian Bailey, chairman of Okehampton Chamber of Trade, said: 'This is extremely good news for Okehampton traders, and it has taken a big worry off people's minds. The meters would have hit our businesses hard.
'At the meeting on Thursday, Cllr Hughes spoke of setting up a committee to examine a more holistic approach to traffic management in the town, and I hope he follows up on his pledge.
'I think we are very fortunate to have had such a proactive town council over the past few months — Kay Bickley and the other councillors have worked very hard on the town's behalf.'
Local resident Andrew Finley, who helped organise residents' opposition to the meters, said: 'This decision just shows that when proper debate is engaged in, sensible solutions can be reached.
'We now need to look forward and begin to shape a traffic management strategy for Okehampton which will benefit the town not just for the next six months, but for the coming decades. This must include some form of residential parking scheme, for which there is great public support.'
Cllr Hughes told the Times: 'The parking enforcement system is currently being heavily subsidised, meaning that money cannot be spent elsewhere. Therefore, we do need to find the money to pay for enforcement, and so this is not a U-turn as some have suggested. If you like, we're taking our foot off the accelerator and allowing ourselves more time to work with the towns on this issue.
'Some form of pay and display will be part of an overall traffic management plan for each of the towns. It will happen at some stage, but we want to work with the towns affected to come up with something they're happy with, as I said at the meeting.
'What I would like to see now is the county councillor in Okehampton, Cllr Christine Marsh, lead this process of consultation.'
Cllr Marsh said: 'I will certainly take on this role. We will now be looking to consult with everybody who is affected and looking to start resolving the overall traffic issues we have here in Okehampton. This will be starting as soon as possible. It would be nice if we can actually take the lead in getting this done, whilst it's still fresh in people's minds.'