Sports clubs and local community groups in Okehampton and Tavistock will receive over £38,000 thanks to West Devon Borough Council Section 106 funding, which was secured as part of several housing development projects.

The local projects that have received funding will all make it easier for people to get outside and active. Ranging from a scheme to enhance the outside space at the Ockment Centre to Okehampton Town Council’s plans for a new zip wire in Simmons Park, it is hoped each project will help the community’s well-being.

West Devon Borough Council’s lead member for health and well-being Cllr Tony Leech, said: ‘It’s great to see these projects helping more local people of all ages to get active and outside. With this money, these groups will be able to deliver the facilities that local people need and make a positive difference to well-being across the community.’

The projects benefiting from the latest round of Section 106 funding also include the Okehampton Community Garden which will receive £570 to purchase storage shelves and lockers to store people’s belongings safely and the Okehampton Community and Recreation Association (OCRA) which will receive £8,000 to go towards the project to rejuvenate the all-weather pitch at Okehampton College.

General manager of OCRA Ian Blythe, said: ‘The funding received from West Devon Borough ensures that opportunities for local clubs should now not be impacted by the weather, it truly is now an all-weather surface. The rejuvenation provides a wonderful surface for the local hockey and football clubs to utilise whilst giving OCRA the scope to broaden our programme for the local community which now includes social football and an after school opportunity each Friday.’

In Tavistock, the rugby club will receive £14,000 to refurbish the clubhouse and Tavistock Community Football Club will be given £4,600 for pitch maintenance and goal netting. Tavistock College will also get £2,280 towards replacement netting above the fencing on the all-weather pitch.

West Devon Borough Council mayor, Cllr Caroline Mott added: ‘We want to make West Devon a place to inspire and a place to succeed. By securing s106 funding when larger developments get the go ahead, we can make sure that our communities get the investment in the high-quality facilities they need to thrive. We can give people the opportunity to try new things or continue to enjoy favourite activities regardless of changes to mobility.’

A Section 106 agreement (s106) is an agreement between a developer and the local planning authority. It secures measures that the developer must take to reduce their impact on the community. In this case, it applies to financial contributions to provide infrastructure for the community.

The council is currently seeking residents’ views on a new plan for the next 13 years (to 2034). which can be read at and any feedback can be given via [email protected]