PRIME MINISTER Rishi Sunak has a very special Christmas card on display in Downing Street this year – one designed by Bow Community Primary School pupil Joseph Charlesworth, aged nine. Joseph entered an annual competition to design Central Devon MP Mel Stride’s Christmas card and won it with a picture of famous political moggie Larry the Cat outside No 10 Downing Street.

His fantastic drawing featured on the front of the MP’s card which Mel delivered in person after a meeting he had with the Prime Minister in No 10.The two runners-up in the competition, sponsored this year by Ashburton Post Office, were Ben Ruff (nine) from Hatherleigh Community Primary School and Daria Viushynska (eight) from Ilsington Primary School.

Mr Stride said: ‘Every year the entries into the competition to design my Christmas card get better and better and Joseph’s drawing was very special. I couldn’t resist handing over my Christmas card to the Prime Minister in person. He loved the drawing and has it on display in Downing Street!’