The Devon and Cornwall Police Rural Affairs Team is reminding people of basic crime prevention advice following a recent spate of burglaries in the Chagford, North Tawton, Winkleigh, Hatherleigh, Meeth and Okehampton areas.

Thieves have targeted both residential and non-residential properties, stealing tools and machinery, which can have a significant impact on rural businesses, police have warned.

Police have suggested various actions people might take to ensure the safety of their property, including keeping a record of serial numbers, photographing equipment, keeping vehicles out of sight and locked when not in use, using property marking techniques; fitting trackers, installing CCTV, and joining local watch schemes.

Anyone with information regarding machinery and tool thefts should report online, call 101 or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Anybody with information specifically relating to the recent burglaries should quote crime reference 50240169534.

Visit for more information on how to improve the security of buildings and their immediate surroundings.