SAMPFORD Courtenay and Honeychurch Flower, Produce and Craft Show was held in Sampford Courtenay Village Hall on Saturday, August 10.

Piper Cup for Vegetables - Veronica Matthews, June Tremlett Plate for Heaviest Crop from one seed potato (60 entrants)  - Gavin Malcolm (2173g), President’s Cup for Homecraft - Veronica Matthews, Hawking Fruit Bowl - Veronica Matthews, Flowers Cup - Veronica Matthews, Produce Cup - Veronica Matthews, Welcome Cup for first time entrants - Roisin Cunningham.

Leonard Horn Memorial Cup – Longest Runner Bean - Bill Robertson, Dornaford Cup – Best Chicken Eggs in Show - Sophie Price, Children Under 12 Shield - Etta McBride, Children Under 8 Shield - William Bennie, Christine Marsh Trophy for Most points Under 16 - William Bennie, Robertson Plate – Best Exhibit in Show - Lynn Robinson, Cleverdon Memorial Cup – Most Points in Show - Veronica Matthews.

Marion Pratt, on behalf of the Show committee expressed a big "Thank You" to everyone who entered exhibits in this year's show, went along, supported and helped set up and manage the day of the Show.

She added: “Special thanks to our judges, who always give of their time, and without them the show could not go on. This year, it was lovely that (just by coincidence) every entrant won at least one prize for their efforts.

“A grand total of £552.40 was raised for the Village Hall.”

Marion added that the number of entries and entrants were considerably down on last year's numbers and that only two children entered.

She continued: “Whether this was because of the difficult growing season we have had this year - or whether parishioners want a change of date, different classes or to throw classes open to people from outside of Sampford Courtenay and Honeychurch.

“Perhaps it is because life has changed for many of us!”

She added that it was hoped to hold a public meeting in the Autumn to discuss if parishioners wish the Show to continue as an Annual Event or not.