OKEHAMPTON Carnival Committee would like to thank everyone for making our 2008 Carnival such a success. Our collection this year will be distributed to our local Guides and Brownies, who are the main recipients, as well as other local groups and charities.

We must, of course, once again pass on our grateful thanks to the many organisations and individuals who help on this day to ensure a safe and smooth-running carnival — in particular Steve Bolt and Ross Campbell for erecting the barriers (and SW Highways for the loan of the signs), Dartmoor Rescue Group, the Lions and the ATC for marshalling, the Scouts for the middle appeal and the St John Ambulance.

We also thank the many shops and businesses who supported the carnival by providing advertisements for our programme, taking part in our window competition or displaying posters. We are also grateful to White House Services who again supplied the sweets for the children who took part in the afternoon.

We also thank those who have loaned generators and Barry Gee and Averys for the loan of vehicles. Thanks also go to the many collectors.

Okehampton Excelsior Silver Band merit a special thanks for giving their time freely and providing the music for both the afternoon and evening processions and, of course, the fire service who once again kindly led the evening procession through the town.

We also say a big thank you to the local farmers for the loan of tractors, trailers and sheds, without which the many colourful floats could not be constructed.

We must also recognise the careful drivers and their assistants who ensure the safe passage of the procession along the carnival route.

Finally, our thanks go to the many participants, both local and from towns and villages, without whom there would be no carnival. Our grateful thanks to everyone who helped in any way at all and we look forward to your continued support for our 2009 carnival.

Okehampton Carnival Committee