RESIDENTS of Lifton joined in a weekend of reflection, remembrance and fun to mark 80 years since the D-Day landings.
The community memorial event to mark the D-Day 80 proved a huge hit with crowds enjoying forties dancing, live weapon firing, vintage military vehicles and cars on display, a bagpipe tribute, a remembrance service (including a bugler playing the Last Post and reveille) and even the noisy arrival of a bright yellow ex-RAF air sea rescue helicopter as an attraction for mums, dads and children to look around.

The event was staged by Phil Hockin and his wife Linda Wonnacott at their pub, the Fox & Grapes in Lifton, to say thank you to military personnel who took part in the massive naval, air and land landings on the coast of Normandy 80 years ago. They were particularly pleased to have some special guests in the form of serving personnel in their uniforms.
Music was provided by Launceston Town Band and and during the evening, there was Forties dancing accompanied by band Five Star Swing playing Glenn Miller, Vera Lynn and more contemporary music.

Phil has only been running the pub since 2022 and last year he staged his first D-Day event. The event raised charity funds for the Royal British Legion, SSAFA and St Luke’s Hospice.
He said: “We were delighted with the event and saw hundreds of people visit over the weekend. The weather being kind helped enormously and everyone enjoyed the garden and range and variety of events and activities.

“The evening party was a success with music and dancing from all eras entertaining a crowd of about 100 people. The highlight of the weekend for most people was the arrival and departure of the helicopter. Large crowds gathered to see it land on the Saturday afternoon and take off again on the Sunday afternoon. Lots of people, including many children, had the opportunity to get up close and even inside the helicopter which may be a once in a lifetime thing to have done.”

He thanked the following people and companies for supporting the event: Andrew Whitehouse and flight crew – Historic Helicopters; Chris and Sharon Dunn - South West WW2 Re-enactment Society; Living History - Vehicle and Live Fire Weapons Display; Adrian Voaden – Static and Live Fire Weapons Display; Richard Ploeg - Military Radio Display; Roy Halshall - Military Vehicle Display; charity fund raisers Trish Allwood, Nina Wearne and the refreshment providers.
Also, Keith Sutherland – piper for the Bill Millin Tribute; Frank Arscott – bugler for Remembrance Ceremony; Paul Oliver - Royal British Legion Launceston; Rev Philip Conway - Priest in Charge of Lifton Benefice; James Crouch & Jonathan Price – for the barbecue; Five Star Swing; Ann Brown and Launceston Town Band; Councillor Chris Edmonds; Charlotte Wonnacott; and pub staff Amelia Edgson and Holly Cole.