AROUND 600 children from across West Devon have taken part in the annual Junior Life Skills event, held at Okehampton’s Parkland Leisure Centre and Tavistock Town Hall last week.
The event, which is free for the schools and children to attend, encourages children to think about challenges they could face in 2018 and beyond. The aim of the event is to develop children’s understanding and awareness to enable them to live safely and provide them with the skills to assess and respond appropriately to potentially dangerous situations.
Children met safety experts such as fire fighters, police officers, road safety officers and lifeguards in a controlled and supervised environment.
Nine partner agencies joined with West Devon Borough Council to present ten different scenarios. These included Devon and Cornwall Police, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue, the RNLI, Dog’s Trust, Dartmoor Rangers and Western Power. The Royal Life Saving Society were back as a partner agency this year, having taken part for the first time in 2017.
Cllr Tony Leech, lead member for health and well-being at West Devon Borough Council, said: ‘The Junior Life Skills event is a great opportunity for children to learn a wide range of essential safety messages, which will help prepare them for life through their teenage years and beyond.
‘I was disappointed to be unable to attend this year due to previous commitments.
‘It’s extremely rewarding for us as a council to be able to arrange this event, helping out teachers and parents to get these messages home.
‘But it’s equally important to remember that without our partner agencies, this event would never get off the ground and we’re very grateful for their help and support.’
In each scenario, children faced a hazard they could encounter at any time. They covered issues such as safety on the moors and around water, telephone awareness, keeping safe around electricity and dogs and using roads safely.
With the help of trained experts, the children were taught how to recognise hazards, deal with emergencies and develop social responsibility.
The scenarios from West Devon Borough Council encouraged the children to think about waste and recycling, as well as food safety and the importance of hand hygiene.
Any businesses or organisations who would be interested in sponsoring the event next year should contact Karen Procter at West Devon Borough Council on [email protected].