Hospital beds must reopen

Regarding the article on the front page of last week's Okehampton Times on Okehampton Hospital, I was delighted to see that Okehampton Town Council has agreed that they should once more be the driving force behind the work to revitalise our hospital. The North Dartmoor Health Initiative was informed some weeks ago that the maternity wing would be handed back, which is not surprising as it has been unused for actual births since before the community beds were lost. 

Pre-natal and postnatal clinics continue to be held in the hospital, but these are now in the main wing. It is concerning that despite the huge amount of money being spent on the roof and the apparent refurbishment of certain areas, no firm plans have been produced as to the actual medical services to be provided.

The [NHS Devon] Integrated Care Board told me back in April that they were proposing to install NHS Dental Services – but I have since heard nothing nor seen any sign that this is forthcoming. 

I am waiting for the result of the general election and the appointment of a new Minister of Health before we take up the cudgels once more to fight for the return of services, the return of palliative care, and the reopening of our 'state-of-the-art' birthing unit to save women in labour travelling many miles to the RD&E, knowing that some will not make it that far!

Sarah Wollaston ex Lib Dem MP (and former Tory) has resigned as chair of the ICB because she could not tolerate the reduction in funding and consequent loss of services. I shall be writing to her!

Jan Goffey 

North Dartmoor Health Initiative