Whilst I fully understand people’s frustrations with the DMAT and their handling of both the staffing across the schools, and the impersonal way in which people were made, or forced into redundancy, I can’t help but feel that ‘group anger’ has taken over and we should all take a step back. 

Social media has always been an echo chamber of whatever the hot topic of the moment is, and this is somewhat evident in the Facebook group that has emerged from the staffing restructure. 

This is not a local issue; it is happening across the country and perhaps we should be directing our frustration towards those in control of the funding schools are receiving. 

The government are the ones that should be held accountable for the education opportunities our children have, and I feel they are failing miserably at this. The one’s who aren’t failing are the teaching staff, support staff, and school leaders who are continuing to provide fantastic opportunities for those attending their schools, despite having received redundancy notices, or seeing their colleagues being made redundant. 

Our children should be the ones central in our thinking, and I hope people remember how good they are at listening to us talking, and the emotions we are displaying. By all means talk to your children about what is happening but remember they are children, and this should not be a concern for them. 

When the next general election happens, remember your feelings and seek the party that best represents your hopes and wants for our young people and their future!

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