What do you think about ‘reflections’? I don’t mean simply these weekly columns in our local paper – although, hopefully, they provide useful ‘food for thought’ – but what about from a wider perspective? As with many words, ‘reflect’ or ‘reflection’ can have a number of implications in how we live our lives. Here are a few.

To reflect can mean to bend or send back, as with reflected light or sound (most of us have been dazzled by the sun reflected from a windscreen!). Maybe, after a reported speech, action or event, we might ask how that reflects on the person or community involved. How do we reflect what we have seen or heard as we pass it on to others in conversation? How do our words and actions reflect our own attitudes?

Then there is the ‘mirror image’ aspect of reflection. I love to see the reflected landscapes of hills, clouds and trees in the still waters of a lake or pond. Equally there is the delight of seeing a child looking at themselves in a puddle or window. How about when we look at ourselves in a mirror? Do we like to see ourselves as others see us?

Thirdly, there is the ‘attentive consideration’ or ‘contemplation’ aspect of reflection. How much time do we devote to thinking about what we have seen or heard, and how it may affect us? How much time do we take to consider what we have said and done, and how that will affect others around us?

I believe that God sees and loves us as we are, but longs to have a closer parent/child relationship with us if we will only let Him. He gave up His only son, Jesus, to enable us to do so (John chapter 3, verses16,17). Let’s reflect on that!!

David King

Okehampton Baptist Church