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Public Notices
Okehampton Hospital receives support from town council
Dartmoor Marshals return to help tackle anti-social behaviour on moor
Council precept to rise by 5.6%
Dartmoor marshals to carry on patrolling
A look back at 2023 - that was the year that was!
Okehampton residents can now submit view on neighbourhood plan
Hamlets approves cost plan for next BID stage
Hamlets council ups game to tackle pet food factory smell
Okehampton councils to collaborate on D-Day anniversary plans
Meldon Wildlife Festival coming up
Governance review delayed
Okehampton Hamlets donates to new okebookfest event
Join in the Party in the Park fun
St James pitch plan
St James school play area
Hamlets supports new shed proposal
Council objects to Men in Sheds building extension
Former Okehampton town councillor elected to Okehampton Hamlets
Okehampton Hamlets gives support to memory cafe
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Okehampton should have one council
Okehampton Hamlets says no to new housing plan near Baldwin Drive
Okehampton councils merger proposed to end council boundary battle
Okehampton Hamlets opposes boundary change
OUC offers £150,000 grant in honour of 150th year
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