A team of cyclists led by a Tavistock man who lost his sister too young to a brain tumour has completed an epic cycle of more than 1,000 miles in her memory.

Paul Thompson completed his epic ride between Land’s End and John O’Groats on Friday to remember sister Lizzi Snaith, who died aged just 42 last August.

Supporting the ride were Paul’s wife Keri and navigator and co-crew Carolyn Ventress, who is Paul’s aunt.

Also pedalling the epic route were Paul’s uncle David Ventress and sons Jack and Harry Ventress.

The ride raised money for charity Brain Tumour Research and Saint Catherine’s Hospice in Scarborough, North Yorkshire. The total stands at just shy of £7,000, with Gift Aid to come on top of that, and donations are still invited.

‘’It was fantastic, absolutely fantastic,” said Paul. “I loved every minute of it. It was a really enjoyable challenge, it wasn’t arduous, and some of the scenery was cycled through was amazing, Scotland was just amazing.

A delighted Keri said this week: “The cyclists finished a mammoth 1,080 miles in 14 days on Friday. They were still smiling and buoyed up with the amazing support of both family and friends and complete strangers we met along the way. And with only one broken chain, one flat tyre, one new brake set and a few small tweaks, the bikes stood up to the challenge.

“I drove around 1,720 miles in 14 days with navigator and co-crew Carolyn to pick up the cyclists at the end of legs and take them to start points. The van overheated once and needed jump-starting twice, but again it managed the challenge well!

“Our fundraising total on GiveWheel is currently standing at £6,988.10, with Gift Aid to add to that. We're also waiting for one or two promised donations, so that figure is set to rise.”

Paul took up cycling in the aftermath of sister Lizzi’s death last August. She had battled the disease for 15 years, having been diagnosed with a brain tumour initially when she was eight months pregnant with her daughter Katie.

Paul said: “‘We know it has raised quite a bit of money so far and hopefully a bit of awareness with people, because we were all wearing Brain Tumour Research T-shirts.”

He added: “Lizzi used to raise money for all sorts of brain tumour charities and did all sorts of amazing things, ran marathons and ran amazing events. She never stopped. So I wanted to do something in memory of her. Brain tumour research is underfunded out there which is part of the reason we wanted to do it.”

You can still donate at https://www.givewheel.com/fundraising/2230/lejog-4-lizzi/

The LEJoG 4 Lizzi team just before setting off from Land's End
The LEJoG 4 Lizzi team just before setting off from Land's End (Submitted)

A team photo on the way
A team photo on the way (Submitted)
The LEJog 4 Lizzi team reach Doncaster
The LEJog 4 Lizzi team reach Doncaster (Submitted)
A well-earned drink along the way
A well-earned drink for cyclists and support team (Submitted)